SMS Privacy Policy:
Mid-America Parts Distributors Corp “MAP” (DBA: Union Auto Parts / Ken Smith Auto Parts) offers the ability for our customers to communicate with our employees via text / SMS.
Any SMS sent or received by MAP will solely be used to aid our customers in providing the necessary parts or services requested by that customer.
There will be no third-party involvement or data to be shared with any third-party by MAP. The information sent via SMS will be used solely by a MAP representative to aid that customer.
The only information collected by MAP will be the cellular number(s) involved in the SMS correspondence and the information provided within the SMS stream.
There will be no automated messages “robo-messages” originating from MAP to our customers via SMS.
The customer can choose to opt-out of receiving text messages from MAP at any time by simply replying “STOP”.
Mid-America Parts Distributors Corp “MAP” (DBA: Union Auto Parts / Ken Smith Auto Parts) offers the ability for our customers to communicate with our employees via text / SMS.
Any SMS sent or received by MAP will solely be used to aid our customers in providing the necessary parts or services requested by that customer.
There will be no third-party involvement or data to be shared with any third-party by MAP. The information sent via SMS will be used solely by a MAP representative to aid that customer.
The only information collected by MAP will be the cellular number(s) involved in the SMS correspondence and the information provided within the SMS stream.
There will be no automated messages “robo-messages” originating from MAP to our customers via SMS.
The customer can choose to opt-out of receiving text messages from MAP at any time by simply replying “STOP”.